Charity Donations

A HUGE THANKYOU TO OUR SPONSORS, TRADE STANDS & SUPPORTERS who support over the past 30 years has enabled us to donate in excess of £250 000 from your entry fees to worthy canine & human Charity's.

2023 Donations

Each year the committee have the difficult but wonderful task of choosing a charity or charities of their choice to donate our surplus cash to extremely deserving causes. After the 2023 show, each committee member was given £1000 to donate. This is how we spent our/your cash from DINAS 2023


£1000 Westview Play Group - Nominated by Sarah Boxall

One of our own helpers runs this Playgroup in Kent which has been operating for over 35 years. Any money donated goes towards a number of things, in particular stationary, printing of paperwork for activities, materials and actual activities.


£300 Hastings High School/First Steps ED - Nominated by Ann Roberts

This donation means they can provide Body Image workshops to the students and CPD training relating to Eating Disorders for their dedicated teachers.

The support from both Hastings High School and DINAS is truly invaluable in promoting the education and early intervention of eating disorders in schools. With donations like this, First Steps ED can make a significant impact on the well-being and knowledge of both students and teachers. 


£500 Wiltshire Search & Rescue - Nominated by Clare Murray

The team would like to say a massive thankyou for Dogs in Need Agility Society donation.
Without the donations we get from our supporters we wouldn't be able to continue doing the work we do.


£1000 Combat Stress - Nominated by Gerry Eckersley

Combat Stress is a registered charity in the United Kingdom offering therapeutic and clinical community and residential treatment to former members of the British Armed Forces who are suffering from a range of mental health conditions; including post-traumatic stress disorder.


£500  Alzheimer’s Society - Nominated by Sheila Eckersley 

Alzheimer's Society is a United Kingdom care and research charity for people with dementia and their carers. It operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, while its sister charities Alzheimer Scotland and Alzheimer Society of Ireland cover Scotland and the Republic of Ireland respectively


£500 Spinal Injuries Association

Spinal Injuries Association supports anyone who has been touched by spinal cord injury. We work to enable people to live a fulfilled life after injury.


£500 Royal Brompton Cardiac Department - Nominated by Lisa Smith

Lisa’s brother-in-law ran the Milton Keynes Half Marathon to raise funds for the above charity. Lisa’s niece has been treated here since she was 6 months old and is now in her 30’s and once again has had major open-heart surgery in 2023.

The charity helps patients’ families stay near the hospital with subsidised places to stay. People use this facility from all over the UK for specialised treatment 


£500 Multiple Sclerosis

This charity was chosen because one of our competitors suffers from this dreadful disease 


£500 I’m George’s Mate

Giving young people the knowledge and skills to support their mental health and prevent suicide.


£500 The Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge - Nominated by Rosie Sleaford

With great sadness one of our much-loved competitors spent their final weeks in this amazing hospice. The love and dedication shown warrants a financial ‘thank you’ for the care given.


£500 Rob Burrow CBE - MND Centre in Leeds

Helping Robs’ family, Kevin Sinfield and their many friends raise £6.8 million to build a specialist Motor Neurone Disease Care Centre in Leeds, to give people living with MND the best quality of life.

Rob was a former professional rugby league player who was diagnosed with MND in 2019, sadly Rob passed away on 2nd June 2024. 


£100 MacMillan - Nominated by Ann Roberts

On the 8th of June Claire and Annemarie will be undertaking a 26 mile Marathon along the South Coast to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. 


£500 - Helen's fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer UK - Nominated by Ann Roberts

Helen Veal is a stalwart member of Hinckley DTC –Always ready to help anyone – a very caring lady. She lost her Mum last year and then tragically her sister died with pancreatic cancer a month later. She leaves a husband and 3 children. Helen is fund raising for research into this terrible disease. Please see story in link above.

Charity's 2019


On behalf of DINAS Shelley Christmas has donated £500 in memory of Penny Butler from Wellingborough Agility Club 
We are grateful to the Wellingborough Club for suggesting this donation should be made in
memory of one of their popular members PENNY BUTLER. We know that Penny had been a
staunch supporter of DINAS from our days at Malvern where we started 29 years ago!

Ravenswood Pet Rescue 

Hayley Wilson (our facebook and website goto) nominated a local rescue centre for a £500 donation. Ravenswood take in unwanted pets, foster them out, get them vet treatment if required and find them forever homes in and around the Wisbech area.


We're bringing people together to create a future where nobody dies of bowel cancer. We provide advice & support to those affected by bowel cancer. Support For All.

Buddy’s Rural Animal Rescue BRAR

BRAR work mainly with Spaniels and Labradors, assessing each dog individually for a possible future on the field as a Gundog, within forces, and those that really just want a pet.

Many of the dogs we work with have come from loving homes where circumstances have changed and we do our best to keep previous owners informed as to how the dog is getting on whilst in our care with photos and updates.

All dogs coming in live in our homes are assessed 24/7 so we really get to know them very well. They are well fed, exercised and have recall before leaving us.

We have an experienced team of Professional Trainers who dedicate their time free of charge to the rescue, on top of working and training their own and clients dogs!

We work within our means, not all dogs are straight forward, and some vet fees can run into thousands of pounds, Amputees, Neospora Caninum, Tumours, Dental work, Medication, the list goes on, so all donations are gratefully received and put to very good use.

Each dog leaves with 5 weeks free Insurance , vaccinations, worm/flea treatment to-date & Microchip Transfer. Any KC papers that come with the dog also leave us with that dog.  

The dogs recued and trained by us go to excellent inspected homes and are happy doing what their breed was bred to achieve.

F.A.I.T.H Animal Rescue (Norfolk)

F.A.I.T.H. is a progressive animal rescue centre, where animal welfare comes first. They believe that their mental health and well-being are as important as their physical health.


God Unlimited - GUL (Salisbury)

Provides riding and outdoor therapy through horses and ponies for adults and children. Provides accommodation for people who are in transitional periods of their life i.e. veterans and homeless teenagers.


“We’re celebrating our incredible Helicopter Emergency Medical Service and the thousands of patients we have tended to
over the last 25 years.

Margaret Green Animal Rescue

At Margaret Green Animal Rescue (MGAR) we take in animals that have become homeless due to a change in circumstances, or that have been neglected, mistreated or abandoned. 

Regardless of their circumstance, each animal will find a warm bed, a kind team and all the love and respect they deserve awaiting them at Margaret Green Animal Rescue. We pride ourselves on the standard of care each rescue animal receives.


Mind is a mental health charity in England and Wales. Founded in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health, it celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2016. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.

Norwich & Norfolk Myeloma Support Group

This support group of about 50 members is for people with Myeloma, their relatives, friends and carers are always welcomed.


The largest ‘All Animal’ sanctuary and rescue centre in Norfolk & Suffolk.


Parkinson’s UK

Parkinson's UK is a Parkinson's research and support charity in the United Kingdom. In April 2010, the Parkinson's Disease Society changed its name to become Parkinson's UK. Its aims are to improve the quality of life for people affected by Parkinson's and find a cure for the condition.

Perthshire Gundog Rescue SCIO

“The rescue is committed to the welfare of all dogs that come into our care and endeavour to make a positive contribution to their lives, no matter what their circumstances. We aim to educate people about Gundog Breeds prior to taking them on and are often called to discuss people’s suitability in owning one of these intelligent working bred dogs”. This is a registered Scottish charity run by people giving up their own time with love and devotion.


Redwings is the largest horse sanctuary in the UK, which means we care for more rescued horses every day than anyone else.


So, how did we get here?
Our story begins as it does for many charities, with a small but committed group of people desperate to make a difference. For Redwings, the story began with the rescue of a single pony called Sheba. She was rescued from a dealer and her recovery inspired the formation of a sanctuary in 1984 dedicated to saving horses from a life of fear and neglect. From that one life saved in the beginning, we are now a registered charity and care for more than 1,500 horses, ponies, donkeys and mules every day at our farms across the country. We also have 500 horses living in Guardian homes through our rehoming programme.


St. Barnabas

St Barnabas Hospice is a local independent charity and every year we support more than 10,500 people across Lincolnshire affected by a life-limiting or terminal condition. We deliver free, high quality, compassionate end-of-life care and support to patients, their families and carers. We aim to enable them to live as fully as they are able for however many days, weeks, or months they have left.


Support Dogs

Willow the autism assistance dog
makes a better life possible for Sam

The moving story of young autism client Sam Mills and his dog Willow touched the hearts of millions of viewers when they featured on BBC's Children in Need, broadcast in November. seven-year-old Sam recently went on a trip to Alton Towers with his mum, dad, young sister and dog, and had a great time. His favourite ride was a wooden roller coaster called the Wickerman. Nothing unusual about that, you might think. Except that little more than a year ago, nothing would induce Sam to leave his house, let alone go somewhere as noisy and busy as a theme park.


Sam, who lives in Sheffield with mum Emma, dad Steve and four-year-old sister Ellie, was diagnosed with autism at the age of five. Bright lights, music, crowds, shops all overloaded his brain and he found it difficult to cope. So what’s made such a difference? Step forward black Labrador Willow, who has been working with the youngster and his family for just over and year, and in May Sam and Willow qualified as Support Dogs’ latest autism assistance partnership. The day out at Alton Towers was further proof of the incredible difference that Willow has made to Sam’s life. “He’s a little boy who struggles to be happy, who is over the moon,” she says, as boy and dog sit companionably in their sitting room, and then chase a ball around the garden. Sam’s autism takes very particular forms. He has sensory difficulties - which means he struggles with noise and crowds, has severe anxiety and he also suffers from depression. Unlike lots of youngsters with autism, he is verbal, except when he’s very stressed, and, until Willow came into his life, had no sense of danger. Says Emma: “Willow can be very calm when she needs to be, but also excitable and daft, gets him playing and distracts him – they are a perfect match. When Sam has a bad day he goes into the garden and plays with Willow and 20 minutes later he is smiling again; she makes him laugh.” Sam’s problems began when he was three and started to struggle at school; lashing out at people in frustration, and covering his ears in class. He spent increasing amounts of time at the school’s ‘nurture unit, specialist provision for children who struggle in mainstream school. Over time, his parents could barely get him to school – they couldn’t hold his hand because he hated to be touched and he would run off into the road. Keeping him safe became more and more of an issue and Emma and Steve ended up taking him to school in a disability buggy. The number of ‘meltdowns’ he experienced increased. Emma had to give up her job working in data management with South Yorkshire Police. “We got to the point where we could not leave the house. We were knocking on so many doors, trying so many things, but nothing was happening,” says Emma.


They applied to Support Dogs for an autism assistance dog and were invited to an open day. “I had a gut feeling that a dog might help him, but I never realised it would be as good as it is,” reports Emma, who did the initial training with Willow before her son and the dog were introduced. A camera crew from CBBC were on hand to record their first ever meeting and it’s a touching scene as Sam, initially wary, starts playing ball with Willow, and his face breaks into a lovely smile. His parents watch, tears in their eyes.  And when the CBBC crew came to film three months after their initial visit, he chatted to the presenter who could see an enormous change in him. 

Straight away Willow and Sam had a really close bond. Sam struggles with his emotions but is now less anxious because Willow has such a calming effect, acting as his safety net and keeping him calm when they go out. Sam is attached to Willow by a wrist strap, as he doesn’t like a harness. Crowded streets and busy places are not a threat anymore and Sam is no longer a danger to himself by running into the road. “Sam wants to go out now!” says Emma. “He will actually ask to go to the shops or to the woods. She has given him confidence and makes him feel safe. When he struggles – and he still struggles – Willow is there. Sam will lie down on the floor because he can’t run off, and Willow will lie down with him. It makes such a difference and we know that Sam is safe.

Although the main reason for getting Willow was to get Sam out of the house in safety, she has also done wonders for his self-esteem and confidence, and Sam will now chat to members of the public when they come up and ask him about her.

As Sam’s main carer who bore the brunt of his moods, and on whom Sam was utterly dependent, Emma now reports that Sam has now transferred much of that dependence to Willow, meaning she and her husband can go out together occasionally. The family are also trying out new things – they went to a café for Sam’s granddad’s birthday breakfast, which would have been unthinkable a year ago. Getting Sam to bed now takes 20 minutes as he is so much calmer – it used to take two to three hours. Sam is now at a special school in Sheffield and once he settles in Emma hopes to be able to go back to work. They are moving towards a normal life, courtesy of their wonder-dog Willow. “I don’t know what we’d be like if we didn’t have Willow. Since we’ve had her we’ve had a massive lifestyle change,” says Emma. “The doctors wanted to put Sam on medication for his anxiety, but Willow has reduced his anxiety to such an extent that we can work on it with him without drugs. They had never come across an autism assistance dog and they could so the difference in him.


The Animal Health Trust

The Animal Health Trust exists to fight disease and injury in animals. Thanks to our pioneering work improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention, horses, dogs and cats are living healthier, happier lives – in the UK and across the world.

Forever Agility on Facebook

Forever Agility has very recently been set up to help support the agility community. Forever Agility will provide financial support to not only cancer sufferers, but also those in need.

Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care, Royal Hospital Bath.

The Dyson Neo natal Unit at the Royal Bath hospital where Sian (nee Roberts) & Ben’s twins were born - they are desperately raising funds for a "twin incubator".

Picture: Sian, Ben and the ‘Agility Girls’, together with nursing staff accepting our generous gift of £1,500 towards their twin incubator.

Berwick Animal Rescue Kennels

Berwick Animal Rescue has been nominated by Clare Murray on behalf of Dogs in Need Agility Society, for the outstanding work which you do in your home, rescuing, and re-homing animals. We dontated £1000


Rosie's Trust

Northern Ireland’s charity for the terminally ill, cancer patients, older people living with disability, and their pets.
'Keeping people and pets together'


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